Friday, March 26, 2010

The Dachshund and The Cat

From my previous post I shared with you my beloved dogs. Also, I mentioned I have a cat. The cat, Patches is a calico and 1.5 years aged.

Here is a photo of Miss P and Sophie. This was taken the day Sophie came to be a part of our family. Patch was inspecting Sophie and was not impressed with the flash of the camera. :)

This photo was taken approximately one month ago.

These two girls nap together, chase each other around the house, conspire to hide Shep's toys. It has to be understood that anyone sitting in our living room recliner may experience an involuntary movement from time to time.
You see, when Patch and Sophie being their tear through the house, Patches exhibits her kat-fu talents. She hauls tail from the north end of the house, upon reaching the living room, she jumps, bounces off the top corner of the recliner, spins, lands on the dining room chair and with a WAAAA and a HAAAA she lands on the top of the refrigerator!
Whew, that wore me out just typing about...
This is just one of the entertaining episodes that take place regularly in our home...
It is amazing to walk into the master bedroom and find Cochise, Sophie and Patches snuggled together and sleeping soundly. It makes my heart smile.

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